Application Management and Architecture: Agility Driven by Application Platforms

IT Portolio Management May 19, 2023

This eBook will explore the role and opportunities that Application Platform Management can play to support your organization’s agility and innovation, and response to market changes.

In my eBook written late last year I spoke about the opportunities to reduce costs and improve business and technology alignment using Application Portfolio Management disciplines.

CIO’s are also faced with delivering on the organizational sustain and innovate agendas with the Executive team and Board and the focus on business and technology agility and innovation also creates new challenges and requires a more disciplined and proactive approach to managing your Applications Platforms.

Some vendors are talking of new business applications developed within 30 days with pre-packaged components. Technology vendors are ramping up the velocity of their development cycles highlighting the significant level of Application development capability and impact of the cloud that can now be harnessed externally to your organization.

The onset of hackathons and new forms of agile development have the potential to create bespoke responses to business and customer needs and not leverage or integrate with the existing platform capabilities that drive the significant scale, efficiencies and management of organizational capability.

This eBook will explore the role and opportunities that Application Platform Management can play to support your organization’s agility and innovation, and response to such market changes.  It will also outline the rationale for proactively managing your Applications Portfolio so that key Application Platforms enable you to generate agile and innovative solutions and outcomes for your business. 

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