ArchiMate 3.2 Starter Pack

ArchiMate Jan 10, 2024

This Starter Pack is your essential resource for mastering ArchiMate 3.2. It includes detailed notation posters, free templates, stencils, and Visio diagrams to support decision-making and visualization in enterprise architecture.

ArchiMate is a versatile and independent enterprise architecture (EA) modeling language. It provides essential concepts to support decision-making, analysis, and visualization of relationships within and across different architecture domains.

Managed by The Open Group, ArchiMate is a valuable resource for architects and analysts aiming to build a robust EA practice. It offers a comprehensive framework for describing enterprise architecture, along with a graphical notation and various suggested visualizations tailored to different purposes and stakeholders.


What's Inside the Ultimate ArchiMate Kit?

  • ArchiMate 3.2 Notation Overview Posters: A detailed overview of notations to help you master ArchiMate 3.2 standards.
  • ArchiMate 3.2 Stencil & Templates Pack: Visio stencils and free ArchiMate templates designed to create attractive and compliant diagrams.
  • ArchiMate 3.2 Viewpoints: Visio diagrams depicting various layers of ArchiMate, including the application layer, business layer, and an overview of relationships.


Enhance EA with ArchiMate

Whether you’re planning your EA practice with ArchiMate as your chosen standard, or you have a mature practice and need high-quality Visio stencils and templates, this starter pack is the perfect resource to support your ArchiMate initiative. This pack provides powerful EA modeling tools to boost architecture visualization and make it easy for ArchiMate adoption in your business.


Download Archimate 3.2 Starter Pack