Want Better Customer Service? Simplify!

Business Process Analysis May 19, 2023

Adrian Reed discusses the importance of simplification (and the removal of, or hiding of, complexity) to produce better customer outcomes.

Over time, and if left unchecked, processes have a habit of becoming more and more complicated. The business environment changes, and we might find that local teams have tactically adapted their activities to deal with different (originally un-envisaged) situations— resulting in new steps, decision logic and rules being introduced.

When an organization isn’t consciously managing its processes, it may find that an unwritten rule has emerged: People are happy to add to processes but are reluctant to remove things. For example, we might find that when new legislation and regulation is introduced, new steps or rules are added to cater for this—but we may find that no thought is put into whether to remove the now-redundant steps that related to the outdated legislation. Over months or years, the processes grow in size and complexity. When processes become unnecessarily ‘bloated’, delays and bottlenecks emerge and customer service suffers. And, if we see a bloated, creaking process there is a huge opportunity we can examine simplification opportunities which will likely both save money and increase customer satisfaction.

In this e-book, Adrian Reed discusses the importance of simplification (and the removal of, or hiding of, complexity) to produce better customer outcomes.

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