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Strategic Portfolio Management

Strategic Portfolio Management


iServer is a leading enterprise transformation tool used by organizations around the world to inform high-level decision making and realize their strategic vision.

Increasingly, enterprises are turning to Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) as a technique to decide which components of the business should be invested in to deliver their strategic goals.

SPM considers the business as a set of portfolios - such as applications, technologies and projects to help stakeholders decide where best to focus the organisation’s finite resources in order to meet strategic objectives, rationalise costs, reduce risk, and increase operational productivity.

To support this iServer offers a comprehensive range of SPM dashboards reports which provide enterprise architects, PMO and the Executives with the insight needed to manage the organisation’s portfolios.

Stakeholders can also tune their analysis through a number of lenses such as value, cost, risk and lifecycle.

The iServer SPM Solution comprises over 120 dashboards ‘out of the box’, driven by data in the tool’s central repository and rendered in Microsoft PowerBI – the world’s leading business analytics tool.

The dashboards themselves provide visual summaries of information about portfolios allowing stakeholder to quickly answer important questions such as:

With iServer providing the real time answers to these questions, stakeholders can make critical business decisions fast, such as:

Identifying redundant applications to be retired, and there for saving costs, or Identifying technologies that are most critical to the business so they can ensure continued funding.

Of course, these are just couple of examples. iServer’s SPM dashboards help answer literally hundreds of critical business questions ‘out of the box’ and can also be customised to provide the specific insight you need to achieve your business outcomes.

To find out which decision iServer can help you with, take a look at some more focused videos on particular portfolios, or even better, request a call back or demonstration from one of our consultants.

Strategic Portfolio Management Video