Business Drivers

Strategic Transformation

From current state analysis to future state design and business process modeling. OrbusInfinity helps you achieve your strategic objectives and stay competitive.

strategic transformation


Understand where you are, where you’re going and plan to get there

Overcoming resistance to change

Any strategic transformation will hit some resistance. If the impact of new processes, procedures and technologies is not completely understood and communicated well, you are almost encouraging confusion and lack of buy-in.

Analyze, plan and communicate

Strategic transformation isn’t easy. But with proper planning, communication, and leadership, businesses can increase their chances of success.

OrbusInfinity helps businesses clarify their strategic goals and objectives by aligning them with your architecture. This alignment ensures that strategic goals and objectives are reflected in technology and processes and communicated well to all stakeholders.

Visibility, insights and action

visibility insights and action


Make the best decisions on process, infrastructure and resources

OrbusInfinity helps you Increase efficiency and effectiveness by:

  • Revolutionizing processes
  • Identifying and removing redundancy
  • Discovering new opportunities for consolidation and optimization.

Ensuring goals are aligned

ensuring goals are aligned


Linking strategy, IT capabilities and business objectives

We provide a comprehensive, integrated view of your systems, processes, and technologies. Orbusinfinity ensures that your transformation initiatives support your business goals.

Delivering your best performance

delivering your best performance


Respond to market changes

We help you adopt new technologies and processes to change your business model and structure. This enables you to:

  • Become more responsive to customer needs.
  • React to market trends, and competitive pressures.
  • Reduce time-to-market, increase innovation, and improve decision-making.



Underpinning a successful transformation

Change and transformation are almost impossible without the best tools


Orbus Infinity Enterprise Architecture
Orbus Infinity process mapping
Orbus Infinity Portfolio Management

EA Modeling and Visualisation

Create a holistic view of your current business and IT landscapes. Bring your enterprise portfolio data to life with compelling dynamic dashboards. Align portfolio management decisions with your enterprise strategy. Ensure technology portfolios are enabling your digital-business transition. Discover dependencies and track project delivery to business outcomes.


Business Process Analysis

Make decisions on cross-portfolio data, centralized from silos and gathered from across your business. OrbusInfinity enables you to co-create process models with business owners across all functions.


IT Portfolio Management

Manage IT assets and investments, including applications, systems, infrastructure, and services.
Make informed decisions about IT investments, prioritize IT initiatives, and align IT strategy with transformation goals.

Case Studies

Strategic Transformation success stories


"We were finding it difficult to appreciate the implications of the changes that were being requested to ERS. Our analysts were unable to easily recognize that, for instance, changing this part here would have an effect on those other parts."


Greg Armstrong


Let's talk about getting OrbusInfinity working for you


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